memphis charter commission

Thursday, February 15, 2007

January 24, 2007 Minutes


Present: Commissioners: Willie Brooks, George Brown, Jr., Marsha Campbell, Sylvia Cox, Janis Fullilove, Sharon Webb

City of Memphis/Law Division: Jenni Falkof/Assistant City Attorney, Berneta Miles, Administrative Assistant to Sara Hall, City Attorney

Absent: Commissioner Myron Lowery

The meeting was called to order by Commissioner George Brown, Jr. with prayer by Commissioner Sharon Webb.

The minutes for the January 3, 2006 meeting were approved as read.

The meeting began with an open discussion on dates and locations for the public forums. The dates approved at the January 3rd meeting were March 27, 29, 31 and April 18, 24-26. Commissioner Cox reported that the Board of Education was reserved for March 24, 207 and the Central Library for March 31, 2007. She also stated that the library location would probably not be adequate for the forums. Jenni Falkof, Assistant City Attorney, reminded the Commissioners that the locations chosen for these public forums must be ADA compliant because the Charter Commission is a City entity. She will continue to check for other ADA compliant facilities and the MEA building.

The following locations and dates were approved:

- March 21, 2007, City Council Chambers, 6 p.m.

- March 29, 2007, Hollywood Community Center, 6 p.m.

- March 31, 2007, Central Library, 1 p.m.

- April 18, 2007, Whitehaven Community Center, 6 p.m.

It was agreed that a press release will be provided for the public forums.

There was continued discussion regarding the public’s perception of the Charter Commission. It was suggested by Commissioner Brown and agreed by all Commissioners that an overview will be given at the beginning of the first public forum regarding what has been done and how the Commission will proceed.

Commissioner Fullilove asked for clarification on the procedures for the public forums. Commissioner Brown stated that he had asked MTAS to provide recommendations. It was agreed that the procedures for the public forums would be on the agenda for the Feb 7th meeting.

There was an open discussion regarding the no-show of stakeholders for this meeting. To foster better communication from the Charter Commission, Commissioner Fullilove volunteered to accept the responsibilities of communicating all future invitations for the Charter Commission. She will contact the list of stakeholders that was agreed upon by the Charter Commission and update the Commissioners via email. The scheduled dates for the stakeholders is Feb 3 and 28th.

The Commissioners had an open forum on where the Commission is and what it has been doing. It was decided that the Commission would put forth its best effort to publish the town-hall meetings and what we have done up to this point. Commissioner Cox will provide a chronological report of what the Commission has been doing.

The meeting was adjourned.


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