memphis charter commission

Thursday, February 15, 2007

SEPTEMBER 13, 2006 Minutes

Attendance: Commissioners, Willie Brooks, Marsha Campbell, Sylvia Cox, Janis Fullilove, Myron Lowery, Sharon Webb

Absent: Commissioner George Brown, Jr.

Guests: Lewis Donelson, Esq., Tommy Powell, Honorable Harry Wellford, Representative from WREC Radio, Mr. Birch (Citizen), Don Richardson (Citizen), Steve Worlds, Rhodes University, Sara Hall, Jenni Falkof, Berneta Miles

The first meeting of the Memphis Charter Commission (“hereafter Commission”) was called to order by Commissioner Myron Lowery, Acting Chairman with prayer by Commissioner Sharon Webb.

Commission Lowery noted to the Commission that he had asked for clarity from the State Attorney General’s office on two matters: 1) Time-frame for giving their proposals to the public and 2) guidelines in the event of resignation or death of a Commission member. He received a verbal response stating that the State Attorney General’s office did not respond to local elected officials. They could only respond to requests from state officials. Commissioner Lowery will ask a member of the state legislature to write the Attorney General to get a legal opinion on those issues and any other that the Commission may request.

Commissioner Lowery received notice from Brad Martin, Chairman of SAC (?) offering their facilities for any meetings; Nathan Bix stating that his law firm will provide pro bono work for the commission; however if it is too extensive, Mr. Bix stated that they were willing to work out an arrangement regarding any fee(s). He also talked with Commissioner Brown regarding his absence from today’s meeting. Commissioner Brown will not be available Sept 18 through Oct 2, 2006; he requested consideration for meeting at the library for future Commission meetings and that the Commission should meet twice a month.

Introduction of Members from First Charter Commission

Members present from the first Charter Commission were Lewis R. Donelson, Tommy Powell, and the Honorable Harry Wellford. The former commissioners provided invaluable remarks and commended the new Commission for the task ahead. Their comments are as follows:

$ Relationship between the city council and mayor and their duties
$ Skilled individuals to assist with research to include other cities
$ Review the thoughts/plans of previous Charter Commission
$ Economics as it affects the City
$ Business industry for input/thoughts - their role/influence(s)
$ Term Limits
$ Voting at-large vs. district
$ Super-majority of council to approve matters
$ Living Wage
$ Pension
$ Reapportionment
$ Nepotism
$ Provided names for consultation/resource: Friason Graves, Atty and assistance from Rhodes through use of interns and faculty
$ Merger of county and city departments/divisions

Introduction of City Attorney

Sara Hall, City Attorney presented statistical and historical information about the City. (Copy of handout attached.) Attorney Hall provided following names for assistance: MTAS, a group that provides research assistance, and Brian Khun, County Attorney. Attorney Hall has provided assistance from the City Attorney’s office through Jenni Falkof, Assistant Attorney, and Berneta Miles, Administrative Assistant to City Attorney.

Election of Officers

All elected offices are for a one year term. The following offices were presented for vote:

Chairman: Nominees are Commissioner Brown and Commissioner Webb. Commissioner Lowery confirmed that in Commissioner Brown’s absence, Commissioner Brown would accept the position of chairman if elected.

Tally: Commissioner Webb: 2
Commissioner Brown: 4

Vice Chairman: Nominees are Commissioner Brooks and Commissioner Webb.

Tally: Commissioner Brooks: 3
Commissioner Webb: 3
(This position will be reconsidered.)

Secretary: Nominee is Commissioner Cox.

Tally: No other nominations. Commissioner Cox voted by acclamation.

The Commission will meet every two weeks until further notice. The meeting time is Wednesday at 2 p.m. The next meeting will be September 27, 2006 at 2 p.m. at City Hall, 4th Floor Conference Room.

There was no other business and the meeting was adjourned.


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